Vive Enters Biopesticide Partnership with SDTC

Published online: Aug 15, 2017 Articles
Viewed 2159 time(s)

Vive Crop Protection announces a new partnership with four biopesticide manufacturers to develop new and improved biopesticides, supported by Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC). Biopesticides are the fastest-growing crop protection segment, but have suffered from limited effectiveness in field situations, shorter product life, poor compatibility with conventional pesticides, and limited combination products. Vive has recently demonstrated that its Allosperse Delivery System enhances the viability and performance of biopesticides.

“This project extends the scope of the Allosperse Delivery System and means that we can provide a complete solution to growers, whether they need a conventional, biological or combination crop protection product,” says Vive CEO Keith Thomas. “We’re excited about the potential for these products and thank SDTC for the support.”

Over the next three years, Vive will work with the partner manufacturers to develop new and improved versions of their products. This work will be supported by SDTC, whose executives have also expressed excitement about the potential for Allosperse applied to biopesticides.

“Vive Crop Protection is developing environmentally friendly pesticides made from organic matter,” says SDTC president and CEO Leah Lawrence. “This Canadian-made technology represents an advancement in biopesticides that will deliver real economic and environmental benefits across Canada and around the world.”