Larger Potatoes in Store from Colorado

Published online: Sep 25, 2017 Articles Dennis Rettke
Viewed 2060 time(s)

Potato harvest has commenced in Colorado’s San Luis Valley, and growers are pleased with what they are seeing. Favorable weather has helped foster ideal conditions, and potato sizes are expected to average larger than previous years. 

“The new crop began in earnest in mid-September,” says Dave Yeager of Farm Fresh Direct. “Some of the early-maturing plants commenced in early September, but the main crop is now underway and is expected to remain in harvest through Oct. 15. This year, we’re expecting a good crop, and the size profile is looking a little larger than normal. We’ve had a combination of good weather and decent rainfall that has enabled the crop to be healthy. The larger sizes come about from time to time. Although there is no direct explanation, this year’s conditions were indeed favorable for the plants.”

The Colorado market is looking strong, as the size profile will give it an edge over growers in Idaho. Prices remained firm as customers showed an inclination for the larger potatoes. Yeager explains that customers across different sectors were seeking out bigger varieties, which has attracted a higher price compared with their smaller counterparts.

“We have seen a strong demand from both the foodservice and retail sectors for our sizes. There has been a preference in recent years for larger potatoes in the bags,” he says. “The market has been elevated as a result over the previous month, and our summer crop enjoyed good pricing. This was until Idaho got into harvest, which dropped prices down a bit in the last week.

“The market should remain steady over the next few weeks,” Yeager continues. “There is supposed to be a smaller crop profile in Idaho, which will keep prices firm for the larger-sized Colorado crop. But we won’t know that for sure until we’re further into harvest.”


Source: Fresh Plaza