Eastern Idaho Potato Season Winding Down

Published online: Oct 12, 2017 Articles Michael Autovino
Viewed 3342 time(s)

Source: KPVI

It’s been a successful growing season for potatoes across eastern Idaho.

Despite the excessive heat, this growing season brought a slightly above-normal yield of potatoes. However, the heat has affected the timing of the harvest and has caused a delay.

Between the hot temperatures lasting through Labor Day and a stretch of September rain, this harvest has been particularly challenging.

“The harvest has been probably a little behind normal,” says Kamren Koompin, manager and partner at Koompin Farms in American Falls, Idaho. “So [it’s] probably not your normal average harvest. The growing season was fairly good with above average temperatures. Probably the biggest wild card we had was the heat this summer.”

This season’s harvest is expected to be completed within the next seven to 10 days.