Hasenoehrl Hopes to Continue Promoting Idaho Brand

Published online: Oct 09, 2017 Articles
Viewed 2257 time(s)

Mary Hasenoehrl made history recently with Idaho’s most famous export when she became the first woman to represent potato growers on the Idaho Potato Commission.

Hasenoehrl has been a trailblazer as a woman in agriculture before. As a high school student in Midvale, Idaho, Hasenoehrl joined the FFA in the early 1970s before the organization was open to girls. Instead of being a full member, Hasenoehrl served as a chapter sweetheart during her freshman year. Being a chapter sweetheart meant Hasenoehrl couldn’t participate in competitions and other FFA activities that were open only to the boys. A year later, she was able to join the ranks of the boys and became a state officer for the organization.

Hasenoehrl says she doesn’t give much thought to the fact that she’s the first woman to represent potato growers on the commission. Her goal is to continue to promote the Idaho potato brand the way she always has.

“I want to make sure that when people buy Idaho potatoes, they’re getting a great potato so that we can keep the quality up and that it’s a recognized brand,” she says.

Hasenoehrl has traveled often for work and saw firsthand how widely recognized the Idaho potato brand is. 

“When you say you’re from Idaho, that’s the first thing people think of: potatoes,” she says.


Source: Idaho Press