New Product: Rotam ReTurn XL with Oxamyl

Published online: Oct 17, 2017 Insecticide, New Products
Viewed 4196 time(s)

Rotam announced today that ReTurn XL insecticide/nematicide for use on potato, cotton, tobacco and peanuts has just received EPA registration. ReTurn XL is a new broad-spectrum oxamyl-based crop protection product formulated to control nematodes and various sucking and chewing insects. ReTurn XL is an increased formulation of ReTurn, which was launched earlier in 2017.

As an important part of an integrated approach to control nematodes and boost yields in some key crops for growers, this systemic insecticide can penetrate plant tissue to stop feeding and damage to the plant from destructive insects. ReTurn XL can be effectively tank-mixed with other herbicides and insecticides.

“Growers have been missing an oxamyl product for the potato, cotton and peanut segments for several growing seasons,” says Steve Slaveck, the Rotam country manager over the U.S. and Canada. “Rotam saw an opportunity to give growers a cost-effective, trusted solution for control in these key crops. We worked hard to deliver a strong product and are eager to offer ReTurn XL for the coming season.”

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