West Central, Climate Corporation Growers Improve Phosphorus Efficiency

Published online: Oct 10, 2017 Articles
Viewed 2157 time(s)

To help growers improve productivity and return on their investment, West Central Distribution and The Climate Corporation have teamed up to educate agriculture retailers and farmers on how to maximize phosphorus efficiency methods within farming operations to increase profitability.

Phosphorus is an essential nutrient that’s vital to healthy crop production. It is also known for getting tied up in the soil, making it unavailable for uptake by the plant. Each year, an estimated 47 million tons of phosphate fertilizer is used globally for production agriculture, costing over $41 billion annually. Worldwide, current phosphorus efficiency in grains is estimated to be less than 10 percent.

“Improving phosphorus efficiency is strategic to farmers in terms of increasing crop yields, while managing sound stewardship principles,” said Dean Hendrickson, vice president of marketing and business development for West Central Distribution. “We’re pleased to be working with The Climate Corporation on this initiative because of their industry-leadership in delivering science-driven, digital tools through their Climate FieldView™  digital agriculture platform. We also look forward to working with our ag retailers to help more farmers benefit from our Levesol™ portfolio of crop fertility solutions.”

The collaboration between West Central Distribution and The Climate Corporation will include delivering educational information to key audiences related to some of the primary drivers that can impact the availability of phosphorus. The following videos introduce this collaboration and highlight some of the industry's issues with phosphorus availability. Phosphorus Availability - West Central and The Climate Corporation and  Increase Phosphorus Efficiency with Levesol™.

“At Climate, fertility management is a core focus in the development of the powerful models we deliver through our Climate FieldView platform, helping farmers easily identify in-field variability and tailor their inputs by field zone to maximize yield,” said John Jansen, commercial advisory services lead for The Climate Corporation. “We look forward to collaborating with West Central on this initiative to help farmers and retailers ensure they are optimizing their inputs to achieve the best outcome at the end of the season.”

For more information about West Central Distribution visit www.wcdst.com. For more information about The Climate Corporation, visit www.climate.com.