Aqua-Yield Revolutionizes Phosphorus Retention

Published online: Dec 01, 2017 New Products
Viewed 2742 time(s)

With drastically improved phosphorus retention and application rates at only 4 ounces per acre, Aqua-Yield introduces NanoPhos, now available for a worldwide release. Established research and development results indicate what farmers have been waiting for and wanting for years; NanoPhos maximizes crops’ responses to phosphorus utilized in root, flower and general growth. It improves soil structure and organic matter, and is a critical ingredient in soil microbe populations’ health.

“Aqua-Yield is taking a huge step with the release of NanoPhos,” says Clark Bell, CEO and Aqua-Yield co-founder “Why? Because we simply have to become a more efficient nation in how we apply phosphates to our crops. Today’s application methods for phosphorus make it the most wasted crop nutrient in use. We were absolutely committed to creating a better and more ecological way to apply this necessary nutrient.  Our 2.5-gallon product containers easily care for 80 acres and therefore immediately take center stage as one of the most environmentally friendly phosphorus applications ever offered.”

Laboratory, clinical and practical research clearly indicate that NanoPhos enhances energy maintenance in crops and helps them better respond to changes in the environment. NanoPhos also increases plant tillers and enhances seedling, spring and young tissue growth rates. The product also improves macro- and micronutrient uptake, improves crops’ stress tolerance, yield and quality of crop, and root growth.

“NanoPhos leverages a unique nanotechnology that was designed specifically to penetrate plant leaf and root cells,” says Aqua-Yield chief science officer Landon Bunderson. “Liquid fertilizers are widely used to provide highly available and immediate nutrition to crops. While this strategy does improve crop nutrient status, it is often inefficient and wasteful. NanoPhos delivers phosphorus faster and more efficiently through root and shoot tissue, giving growers the benefits of liquid nutrition without the common drawbacks.”

“Aqua-Yield’s years of research and development, coupled with our proven methods of instantaneous absorption of nutrients throughout the plant, allows for all traditional methods in applying NanoPhos; Foliar spray, pivot injection, drip irrigation, and even airplane,” says Bell. “With NanoPhos, farmers will spend less, use less, drastically cut down on waste, and immediately improve overall quality and yields. NanoPhos is a win-win for the farmers and the environment, and Aqua-Yield is proud to offer this incredible product.”

Aqua-Yield is a rapidly growing sustainable fertilizer technology company. Co-founded in 2014, Aqua-Yield has introduced what it calls the “smallest innovation in agricultural history.” Aqua-Yield’s technologies deliver materials directly to the plant’s cells, leading to a much higher overall efficiency. Aqua-Yield’s process introduces liquid nanotechnology to agriculture, leading to significant advantages for the grower.

For information on Aqua-Yield visit