Hirai Elected Chair of Northwest FCS Board

Riggers elected vice chair

Published online: Mar 22, 2018 Articles
Viewed 2612 time(s)

Northwest Farm Credit Services’ board of directors recently elected Greg Hirai of WendellIdaho, to serve as chair. Nate Riggers of Nezperce, Idaho, was elected vice chair.

Hirai operates a 4,500-acre farm in southern Idaho producing potatoes, corn, alfalfa, wheat and barley as well as a variety of potatoes for processing, and corn, alfalfa and triticale as feed for local dairies. He serves on the boards of the North Side Canal Company and the Lower Snake River Aquifer Recharge District. Hirai was elected to the Northwest FCS board in 2014; his term expires in 2019.

Riggers is manager and partner of Riggers Clearwater Farms J.V., a dryland wheat, barley, canola and grass seed farm. He is a member of the Leadership Idaho Agriculture Board of Trustees and is a member of the Association of Agriculture Production Executives. Riggers was elected in 2014; his term expires in 2019.

In addition to Hirai and Riggers, members of the Northwest FCS board include Christy Burmeister-Smith of Newman Lake, Wash.; Nels J DeBruycker of Choteau, Mont.; Susan K. Doverspike of Burns, Ore.; Jim Farmer of Nyssa, Ore.; Skip Gray of Albany, Ore.; Dave Hedlin of Mt. Vernon, Wash.; John Helle of Dillon, Mont.; Dave Nisbet of Bay Center, Wash.; Derek Schafer of Ritzville, Wash.; Karen Schott of Broadview, Mont.; Julie Shiflett of Spokane, Wash.; and Shawn Walters of Newdale, Idaho.