Wisconsin: Public Invited to Comment on Fungicide

Published online: Mar 29, 2018 Articles, Fungicide
Viewed 1799 time(s)

Source: Chippewa Herald

The public has until April 4 to comment on proposed special pesticide registration to help potato growers control early and late plant diseases and two fungal diseases in their crops, according to a Wednesday statement by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP).

The proposed registration by the DATCP involves The products are registered by Adama, according to the DATCP.

The special registration would end Dec. 31, 2022 and would not require a full environmental impact study. Comments made on the special registration will become part of a preliminary environmental assessment.
A special registration process gives states the ability to allow other uses of pesticides without federal approval, according to the Wisconsin DATCP.

Prior Bravo products have been specially registered before, and the DATCP claimed in its statement that no adverse effects from the products have been reported.

For a copy of the full assessment, contact Alyssa Foss at (608) 224-4547. Comments can be mailed to Alyssa Foss, DATCP, P.O Box 8911 Madison, WI, 53708-8911 or emailed to alyssa.foss@wi.gov.