For control of both early and late blight in potatoes, Mastercop's high-quality advance BioRetain technology delivers superior performance and efficacy while using signigicanlty less metallic copper per acre.
Advance proprietary formulation with BioRetain technology provides a smaller copper particle size for better spray coverage and uniform, fast distribution of copper metallic ions. An improved uptake sytem enhances leaf adhesion, penetration and retention within the cuticle of the leaf while providing superior safety to the crop. With broad-spectrum protection and multi-site contact activity, Mastercop is ideal for integrated pest management (IPM).
Late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans, has historically been one of the most damaging plant diseases worldwide. The occurrence of new genotypes of P. infestans has resulted in increased levels of the disease and higher costs of control throughout the major potato-producing states of Idaho, Oregon and Washington.
Timing and frequency of application of chemical controls are perhaps the most critical components of a good spray program. The first fungicide application for late blight should be made just prior to row closure. Once a canopy has formed, conditions are often favorable for late blight. When experienceing frequent rain events, weekly applications are needed to cover and protect the crop. As the interval between applications increases, the risk of late blight also increases.
Protectant fungicides are often needed from mid- to late season when plants have a dense canopy. Applications should be repeated regularly to enhance coverage and protection of newly developed foliage. Applications should be more frequent during weth weather, as this weather produces a favorable environment for late blight.
Using a protectant fungicide such as Mastercop on a regular schedule with the application method best suited to an individual operation's needs can be done economically, and it can provide solid protection against late blight. If late blight is severe, using additional products with different systemicity and modes of action would be recommended.
Click here to learn more about Adama's entire potato portfolio.