2018 World Potato Markets Review Now Available

Published online: Jun 22, 2018 Articles, New Products
Viewed 3732 time(s)

The 2018 World Potato Markets Trade & Market Review publication is now available. In its seventh year, the review is a unique and valuable resource for potato professionals across the world, containing production estimates for key potato-producing countries, a league table of potato producers and extensive trade data for all key potato products. 

Included in this year’s issue are European and North American 2018 area projections; output, yield and price projections for 2018; a full annual review of ware, fry, seed, flake, flour, dehy, sweet potato and frozen potato trade by volume, value and price; and an exclusive guide to the world’s potato processors. Discounts are available for members of recognised European, American or other potato organisations. 

For more information, contact editor Cedric Porter at +44 1892 543444, cedric.porter@agrimarkets.net.