NPC Supports National Product Labeling Standard

Applauds introduction of bills to ensure science-based criteria in product labeling requirements

Published online: Jun 13, 2018 Articles
Viewed 2104 time(s)

The National Potato Council (NPC) joined more than 60 organizations representing farmers, manufacturers, small businesses and retailers in supporting the Accurate Labels Act, introduced June 7 by Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) and Representatives Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) and Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.).

“The potato industry strongly supports this common-sense legislation,” says John Keeling, the NPC’s executive vice president and CEO. “Consumers should be provided with information they can trust about the products they purchase. Verifiable science-based information should be the foundation of these disclosures.”

The legislation will amend the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act to:

  • Ensure consumers have access to clear, accurate and meaningful product labels;
  • Establish science-based criteria for all state and local labeling requirements that exceed current federal standards;
  • Allow state-mandated product information to be provided through smartphone-enabled “smart labels” and on websites;
  • Ensure that covered product information is risk-based; and
  • Will maintain current federal laws related to allergens, nutrition facts and medicines.

The NPC is a member of the Coalition for Accurate Product Labels, which advocates for meaningful, science-based information about the products consumers buy and use.