Potato Expo 2019 Accepting Innovation Hub Abstracts

Published online: Jun 08, 2018 Articles, Event Calendar
Viewed 2391 time(s)

Following a highly successful launch at Potato Expo 2018 in January, the Innovation Hub for Potato Expo 2019 is now officially open and abstracts of presentations can be submitted for review. Potato Expo 2019 will take place Jan. 9-10 in Austin, Texas.

The Expo is the largest conference and trade show for the potato industry held in North America, drawing 2,000 attendees and featuring more than 90,000 square feet of exhibit space in the trade show. Potato Expo created the Innovation Hub for members of the potato industry and allied partners (including retailers, marketing professionals, packaging companies, researchers, scientists, seed companies, etc.) to easily submit abstracts for developing and presenting an educational session on the Innovation Hub at Potato Expo 2019.

Anyone with an interest can use the online platform on a dedicated website to submit abstracts: www.potato.onscore. Deadline for submissions is July 31, 2018. Also visit the Potato Expo 2019 website