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Source: Yara
Soil sampling is a good tool that gives us a snapshot of the nutrients in the soil that may be used by the crop. Weekly petiole sampling is a great tool that tells us what the plant is actually taking up and gives us vital management intelligence to help guide the crop nutrition program throughout the season. Petiole sampling in potatoes should commence at early tuber initiation, taking the youngest fully mature leaf (usually the 4th leaf from the top) and stripping off the leaf blades leaving only the petiole. Samples should be taken weekly at the same location in the field, and because nutrient dynamics change during the day, they should be taken at the same time of day each week to ensure continuity of data. Nutrient sufficiency ranges vary with growth stage, variety, and purpose for which the crop is grown (seed, fresh pack, processing, or starch), so make sure that information is included when you deliver the petiole sample to the laboratory. Also, when choosing an analytical laboratory, take into consideration their turnaround time on samples. Nutritional demands of a potato crop are constantly evolving, and if it takes more than a couple days to get your results, you could miss a critical application.