Spectrum Technologies, Inc. has a rich history of innovation through responding to industry and customer needs. Spectrum’s latest solution matches proven products with the issue of off-target herbicide movement through drift and/or temperature inversion. Today’s growers and professional applicators have unprecedented complexities, requirements and liabilities when it comes to applying herbicide. Today’s product labels for dicamba have very specific requirements, restricting applications to a narrow window of conditions.
“Temperature inversion” is a new term to dicamba product labels; it refers to increasing temperature with altitude. This scenario can cause droplets to suspend in the air and potentially move off-target. Spectrum has configured various products to monitor and record this condition to inform and give applicators confidence in their application. By measuring temperature near the ground and at 10 feet, applicators can determine the presence of an inversion easily. By logging this data over time, applicators now have records of the conditions before, during and after the application. This could be very valuable in sensitive areas where drift and inversion have been issues in the past. These stations could also be set up across an ag retailer’s trade area to give reference points to applicators and management.
Spectrum can customize logging sites: from simple configurations that allow the user to log, download and view the data, to more advanced stations that can be monitored remotely. Additionally, sensors can be added to include wind speed, wind direction, humidity, solar radiation and more.
Contact Spectrum Technolgies at www.specmeters.com.