Submit Your Smart Irrigation Month Video

Published online: Jun 20, 2018 Irrigation
Viewed 1828 time(s)

Gather your friends, coworkers or family members to create a short video about why smart irrigation is important to you. Post your video on social media using the hashtag #SmartIrrigationMonth for a chance to win Irrigation Association store credit that can be used for free registration to the Irrigation Show or an IA class.

The deadline to submit your 60-second or less video is Saturday, June 30.

Contest rules are available by clicking here.

The Irrigation Association isn't looking for the next Steven Spielberg; just pull out your phone and share why you care about efficient irrigation and why others should too. 

This contest is a great way to spread awareness about the benefits of smart irrigation during Smart Irrigation Month this July. With your help, the Irrigation Association hopes to get the public talking about efficient irrigation throughout the month.