New Product: AyrMesh IndoorHub

Published online: Aug 01, 2018 New Products
Viewed 2512 time(s)

Ayrstone has built a reputation by creating products for spreading wi-fi outdoors across thousands of acres. However, farms and rural businesses have buildings, and getting wi-fi inside those buildings is more important all the time. The increase in automation products and need to keep in touch with smartphones mean that wi-fi is needed everywhere on the farm, bout outside and in.

The new AyrMesh IndoorHub is a simple indoor meshing wi-fi access point. It is an upgrade to Ayrstone’s successful IndoorAP, with several important improvements. First, the new IndoorHub uses 2××2 MIMO to provide higher bandwidth and better indoor coverage. Second, the IndoorHub uses meshing, so the first IndoorHub can be connected to an ethernet port and additional IndoorHubs can be spread through a large building, requiring only power. Finally, the new IndoorHub comes with its own power supply and does not depend on another device for power. The IndoorHub allows anyone to easily fill a large building with wi-fi without having to run cables, even if there are no other Ayrstone products. All Ayrstone products are designed to be simple enough for any rural homeowner or businessperson to install; no networking experience is needed.

“The new IndoorHub is a big improvement to Ayrstone’s product line,” says Bill Moffitt, president of Ayrstone Productivity. “The old AyrMesh IndoorAP was good for providing wi-fi inside a small building, but the new IndoorHub delivers twice the bandwidth and allows you to have wi-fi throughout a large building.”

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