Valley Adds Remote Irrigation Management Options

Published online: Sep 11, 2018 Irrigation, New Products
Viewed 1859 time(s)

Valley Irrigation, the industry leader in smart irrigation solutions, is proud to announce enhancements to our remote management technologies.

Multi-Year Licensing

In response to widespread customer demand, Valley is pleased to offer multi-year licensing plans for ICON Link devices connecting to AgSense. Designed to provide software license options to fit the demands of today’s growers, these plans offer pricing for one-, three-, five- or 10-year terms, enabling users to access AgSense cloud-based irrigation management software.

“Valley listens to the needs of growers,” said Troy Long, Director, Product Management. “This new solution lets them choose the license term that fits the needs of their business.”

In addition to providing multi-year license plan options, growers choosing a multi-year license also benefit from:

  • A connectivity guarantee, which provides assurance that changes in cellular technology and service providers will not affect performance over the length of the license.
  • Staying up to date with the latest advanced features.
  • Full remote monitoring and control of irrigation machines from any smartphone, tablet or desktop computer.
  • Capability for integration of pumps and gensets.
  • Year-round cable theft detection and alerts.
  • Real-time notifications of the pivot’s status and other data.
  • A broad range of comprehensive, user-defined reports.

Modular Modem Upgrades

To assure growers that our remote management products stay up to date with the latest technologies, Valley and AgSense have designed our portfolio of products with modular communications modems. This allows for simple, in-field modem upgrades and means that existing devices in the field will be easily upgradeable to communicate with high-speed LTE cellular networks.

“Valley looks to the future to stay responsive for what’s coming next, not only to maintain our position as the market leader, but also because it enables us to do the right things for our customers,” said Long. “These enhancements keep their farming operations connected with the most current, reliable technology available.”

ICON Link Licensing will be available to growers worldwide in late September. For more information about durable products and smart irrigation solutions from Valley, the brand trusted by generations of growers around the world, contact your local Valley dealer or visit