Vive Recognized as Top 10 Promising Canadian Tech Firms

Published online: Sep 19, 2018 Articles
Viewed 1655 time(s)

Vive Crop Protection has been selected by The Lazaridis Institute to participate in The Lazaridis Scale-Up Program. The program, funded by the founder of Blackberry, Mike Lazaridis, is focused on training management of rapidly growing Canadian companies so that they can be successful global champions. 

The Lazaridis Institute has chosen 10 Canadian companies that have demonstrated the potential to dominate their markets and are ready to take the next steps to grow globally.

Keith Thomas, CEO of Vive Crop Protection will participate in each session, along with Vive leadership team members. Thomas says, “This is a tremendous honor and opportunity for Vive Crop Protection. We are in the rapid growth phase of our company and appreciate the world-class information and mentorship we will receive in the Lazaridis Scale-Up Program.”

He continues, “I am frequently asked what keeps me awake at night. It is managing through high growth. This program is what we - and Canada - need.”

The Lazaridis Scale-Up Program supports companies by helping them scale up globally. It is focused on solving a specific national challenge - the need for more globally competitive technology companies in Canada. The innovative program, now in its third year, helps emerging companies achieve global success by providing critical resources, including one-on-one time with international business experts, 120 hours with dedicated growth specialists, and access to a national peer group of entrepreneurs.