Video Series Highlights Simplot's Innate Potato

Published online: Oct 01, 2018 Articles
Viewed 3031 time(s)

Source: Potato News Today 

Simplot says its Innate GM potato variety was developed using genes only from wild and cultivated russet potatoes. The company says on a website which explains the background of this biotech potato: “We’ve used modern bioengineering (also known as ‘genetic modification’ or ‘GM’) techniques to bring together some of the best traits from different types of potatoes. Innate potatoes grow just like regular potatoes, but are developed specifically to bruise less and produce less asparagine than other potato varieties.” Simplot points out that the FDA and USDA have extensively reviewed Innate potatoes and found them to be “as safe and nutritious as their conventional counterparts.”

Simplot says the second generation of Innate potatoes contains four beneficial traits of relevance to potato growers, processors and consumers:

  1. Protection against the late blight pathogen
  2. Reduced bruising and black spot
  3. Reduced asparagine, which contributes to reduced acrylamide in cooked potatoes
  4. Lower reducing sugars, which further contributes to reduced acrylamide while enhancing cold storage capability

On the website, Simplot has published a series of short videos where interested parties can learn more about Innate potatoes and find answers the most frequently asked questions about biotech potatoes and sustainable agriculture. The titles of some videos are:

  • Learn more about how Innate potatoes were developed
  • Do farmers want to grow biotech potatoes?
  • Why is a low bruising potato important?
  • How can a biotech potato help reduce environmental impact?
  • Why not use traditional breeding to improve the potato?
  • What are the consumer benefits of Innate Potatoes?

Links to these videos can be found on this page.