Alberta Growers Back Non-refundable Checkoff

Published online: Dec 17, 2018 Articles
Viewed 1929 time(s)

Source: Alberta Farmer Express

Alberta potato producers have overwhelmingly voted to make their checkoff non-refundable.

In a recent direct vote, 56 producers (82.3 percent) voted in favor of making the service charge non-refundable. There were 11 opposing votes and one spoiled ballot.

There are about 140 licensed potato growers in the province, growing on about 53,000 acres annually, mostly producing processing potatoes. The checkoff is $25 per acre for fresh potatoes, $35 per acre for seed potatoes, and seven cents per hundredweight for processing potatoes.

The board of the Potato Growers of Alberta has to approve the change to a non-refundable checkoff, but is expected to do so.