Senninger Welcomes New Australasia Area Manager

Published online: Mar 20, 2019 Articles, Irrigation
Viewed 1649 time(s)

Senninger Irrigation announces the recent hire of Martin Porter, who joins the company’s international department as Senninger’s new area manager for Australasia. Porter’s hiring reinforces Senninger’s appreciation and continued commitment to the territories in Australasia by providing a better support to their growing irrigation market segments.

Porter holds a certificate in business and administration from the Griffith University in QueenslandAustralia. He’s been in the irrigation industry for over 25 years and has a great amount of experience in the overhead irrigation market in AustraliaNew Zealand and Southeast Asia.

Porter resides in Australia and can be reached for product inquiries, technical support and event questions at, via Skype at martin.porter70, or via phone at +61 (0) 421-880860.