New Product: Single Phase Pump Solutions

Published online: Apr 01, 2019 Irrigation, New Products
Viewed 2279 time(s)

Single Phase Power Solutions, the world’s only manufacturer of high-horsepower single-phase electric motors, introduces single-phase pump solutions that don’t require a phase converter or variable frequency drive (VFD).  The company incorporates its Belle Single-Phase Motor, which uses Written-Pole technology to deliver up to 100 horsepower to power standard suction end centrifugal pumps, rotary gear pumps, and turbine pumps in both horizontal and vertical configurations. 

Compatible with readily available single-phase utility services, these pump solutions are ideal for irrigation, drinking water distribution, well pumps, aquifer management, water treatment, wastewater pumping, wastewater collection, wastewater treatment and discharge, and other water and wastewater processing applications. With expertise in pump systems design and manufacturing, Single Phase helps determine the correct materials and style of pump to suit specific application requirements. 

Available in ratings from 30 to 100 horsepower, Belle Motors are ideal for many industrial, agricultural, mining, municipal, and oil and gas applications. In addition to pumps, they are ideal for compressors, injection wells, blowers, fans, dryers, wastewater processing and more.  

Single Phase Power Solutions manufactures the world’s only large-horsepower single-phase motor. Single Phase’s use of patented Written-Pole technology delivers a robust, reliable solution for many applications requiring high-horsepower motors. This capability frees customers from the restrictions of only having access to a single-phase power line. In addition to a full range of Belle Motors ranging from 30 to 100 horsepower, Single Phase Power Solutions also manufactures a 1-to-3 MicroGrid solution that generates clean, high-quality, three-phase power from a single-phase line for packaged equipment requiring a three-phase power source.

Call (877) 430-5634 or visit to learn more.