The Wisconsin Spudmobile’s schedule has been crazy busy since its debut in 2014, and come Saturday, April 27, the vehicle’s crazy tires are rolling it into the 2019 CrazyLegs Classic run/walk in Madison, Wis.
With roughly 20,000 race participants, the event features an 8K run and a 2-mile walk that begin at approximately 10 a.m. Through the large crowd, the Wisconsin Spudmobile will be front and center welcoming participants and spectators from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. in Lot 18 near Camp Randall Stadium.

“It’s a fantastic venue at which to share the importance of buying local and buying Wisconsin while also sharing the message about what a nutritional powerhouse potatoes are,” says Dana Rady, director of promotions, communication and consumer education for the Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA).
“Wisconsin potatoes power performance,” Rady says. “They are high in potassium and free of fat, gluten, cholesterol and sodium, so they are good for your heart. They are also high in vitamins and minerals.”
Put all this together, Rady adds, and you have the perfect food to eat before a race since potatoes provide the energy your body needs, and the perfect food to eat after exercise to help your body recover. That’s why WPVGA is serving potato protein cookie samples at the Saturday race.
“From field to fork, race attendees will be able to experience agriculture from a farmer’s perspective through the eight interior exhibits inside the Spudmobile,” Rady says. “Then they can taste how delicious Wisconsin potatoes are in a unique recipe that fits their lifestyles! And the best part is, recipes like this are so easy, creative and fun besides healthy. It’s a win-win!”
Besides having a presence with the Wisconsin Spudmobile and handing out samples, runners/walkers at the CrazyLegs Classic are also likely to see certain people wearing Powered by Wisconsin Potatoes t-shirts. That’s because the CrazyLegs Classic is part of WPVGA’s “Powered by Wisconsin Potatoes” events. Each year, participants from the Wisconsin potato industry wear powered by Wisconsin potatoes shirts and serve as industry ambassadors during their participation in each event.
It’s a small effort that will go a long way in expanding knowledge of the power America’s favorite vegetable possesses.
The Wisconsin Spudmobile was developed by WPVGA, which is a non-profit organization that represents and promotes the state’s 300 potato and vegetable grower members and affiliates. The Spudmobile makes frequent appearances at locations throughout the Midwest including stops at schools, community events and retailers who provide Wisconsin potatoes to their customers.
To learn more about The Spudmobile or to schedule a visit, go to