New Product: NemOMEX Nematicide

Published online: Jun 06, 2019 Articles, Insecticide, New Products
Viewed 3312 time(s)

NemOMEX is a cost-effective biopesticide with unique qualities in comparison to conventional nematicides. NemOMEX uses an extract from the wood and bark of the soapbark tree (Quillaja saponaria). It contains 8.6 percent by weight of the active ingredient, saponins of Q. saponaria, a dark brown liquid with a sweet, pungent odor.

As an end-use product with over 18 years of data, Q. saponaria extract has proven to inhibit growth of nematodes in food crops, turfgrass and ornamental plants. It does not “tax” the rhizosphere and is listed as a Class 4A inert ingredients and in the FIFRA 25(b) pesticide products list. As a pesticide active ingredient, the extract does not harm humans, non-target organisms or the environment.

NemOMEX is 100 percent pasteurized, can be used on both conventional and natural organic crops, and has a guaranteed percentage of saponins and brix concentration to assure consistent quality. NemOMEX is 100 percent soluble at recommended usage rates and can conveniently be applied by ground spray, shank injection or chemigation.

NemOMEX nematode management has shown and continues to show variability in nematode mortality rate depending on the ecological system, which includes plant-parasitic species and population size, plant, climate and soil environments, along with relationships between free/beneficial nematode populations, which data has shown to have increased up to 75 percent compared to traditional nematicide applications, while consistently producing equal or better crop yield, size and quality.

For more information on products, contact Omex Agrifluids at (559) 661-6138 or