2019's First Psyllid in Eastern Idaho Captured

Published online: Aug 09, 2019 Articles, Insecticide
Viewed 2034 time(s)
Source: Pacific Northwest Pest Alert Network

The following statement was released this week by the University of Idaho and the Idaho Potato Commission:

This week we had traps deployed in 78 of the 79 fields (98.7%) monitored this year, and we found a total of 73 psyllids across 27 (34.2%) of the 79 monitored fields. However, we are still waiting to receive traps from 3 sites in the Magic Valley. One of the 79 total fields that we were sampling has been vine-killed. 

Psyllids were collected on sticky traps in potato in the following counties: Payette (3 fields), Canyon (9 fields), Elmore (2 fields), Gooding (1 field), Twin Falls (6 fields), Jerome (1 field), Cassia (2 fields), Minidoka (2 fields), and Bingham (1 field). This was our first capture of a potato psyllid this year in eastern Idaho, which consistently has shown later first incidence of psyllids and lower abundance overall.

All psyllids collected last week tested negative for Lso (liberibacter), the bacterium that causes zebra chip.

Psyllid captures have fluctuated only a bit over the past three weeks, and thankfully we have not observed hot psyllids since mid-July. 

“Heat maps” of this week’s results can be found on the UI and WSU websites linked below. “Hot spots” continue to be observed in the western Treasure Valley. 

More information can be found here: http://www.uidaho.edu/cals/potatoes/news
--Click on the links under “Updated weekly reports” for details on trap captures.
--Click on the “Psyllid Management” link on the left panel for information on psyllid and zebra chip biology and management.
--WSU site: https://potatoes.decisionaid.systems/idaho