On Friday, Aug. 9, David Wood and his family will be honored with the Century Farm Award. The Century Farm Award honors and recognizes families that have continuously owned and actively farmed the same land their ancestors did 100 years ago or more. The family will be awarded with a Century Farm sign and certificate signed by Idaho Gov. Brad Little, Idaho State Historical Society executive directo Janet L. Gallimore, , and Idaho Department of Agriculture director Celia Gould.
In 1900, David Wood’s grandfather, George H. Wood, moved from Wellsville, Utah, to Rexburg, Idaho, and purchased a small farm west of town. The Homestead Act opened the Rexburg Bench in 1903, and George and his two brothers homesteaded separate parcels on Moody Creek. Wood’s homestead was located just south of the present-day farm headquarters.
In 1918, George purchased this particular 160 acres, where cattle were raised and wheat was grown, from his neighbors. He passed it down to his son, Seth W. Wood. Today the farm is owned and operated by George’s grandson, David Wood, and it produces wheat, barley and potatoes. One hundred years, one family, one farm.
Since the Century Farm/Ranch program began in 1990, over 400 farms and ranches statewide have been designated Idaho Century Farms or Ranches by the Idaho Department of Agriculture and the Idaho State Historical Society. The program recognizes a farm or ranch owned and operated in Idaho by the same family for at least 100 years with at least 40 acres of the original parcel of land still maintained as part of the present holding.
For more information on the David Wood Farm, contact David Wood at (208) 313-4005.