Growers Highly Satisfied with Vive Products

Published online: Feb 20, 2020 Articles, Fungicide, Insecticide, New Products
Viewed 1749 time(s)

Farmers who used either AZteroid FC 3.3 or Bifender FC in 2019 are planning to re-use the products in 2020 and to tell their friends and neighbors.

In a recent survey of customers by Vive Crop Protection, 95 percent plan to use AZteroid FC 3.3 and/or Bifender FC again in 2020, and over 95 percent of growers who used these products would recommend them to a friend or neighbor. Crops represented in the survey include sugarbeets, potatoes, corn, dry beans and alfalfa.

"These satisfaction ratings are unheard of in the ag chem industry, and we're so pleased that farmers find that our products make their lives easier by mixing well, providing hassle-free application and great control," says Dan Bihlmeyer, vice president of sales and marketing at Vive Crop Protection. "Vive has an additional three products on the market for 2020, and we're confident that this satisfaction and commitment will continue through to the new products.”

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