New Product: Kuhn Krause Excelerator XT 8010 Vertical Tillage System

Published online: Feb 19, 2020 New Products, Potato Equipment
Viewed 3625 time(s)

While retaining a 1- to 5-degree vertical tillage gang angle range for true VT performance, the Kuhn Krause Excelerator XT 8010 vertical tillage system features an additional XTended range of 6 to 8 degrees. Double-digit gang angles of 10 degrees or greater were avoided to maintain proven Excelerator performance metrics. The added capability to increase gang angle will assist the operator in removing shallow-rooted weed growth or filling light ruts created from previous harvest traffic or sprayer passes.

Individual gang angles adjust using a standard mechanical screw adjustment; an optional hydraulic on-the-go adjustment feature is also available. The hydraulic option includes an in-cab selector that allows the operator to move front and rear gangs simultaneously, retain the same gang angles front to rear, or adjust the front and rear gangs independently, varying the front and rear gang angles.

Additional features include a combination 7-inch front and 8-inch rear blade spacing, a mid-mounted heavy-duty tine section, no daily grease maintenance bearings, constant-flow hydraulic down-pressure adjustment for wing sections, and the exclusive Star Wheel treader finishing attachment and 24/7 conditioning reel. The 32-flute, 22-inch, Excalibur VT blades continue to provide exceptional blade life and retain a cutting edge as they wear. 

Designed to operate at 8 to 10 miles per hour throughout the gang angle range, the new Excelerator XT 8010 provides producers with a versatile and productive high-speed vertical tillage tool that is proficient in either fall or spring tillage applications. Currently available in 30-, 34- and 40-foot sizes, the KUHN Krause Excelerator XT continues to offer features and benefits recognized by today’s top producers.

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