Field Notes from Koch Agronomic Services

Published online: Apr 24, 2020 New Products
Viewed 1134 time(s)

Koch Agronomic Services is breaking down the science and technology behind nitrogen loss and soil health. Field Notes, an online educational platform from Koch, will help arm growers and retailers with the knowledge to increase their operational efficiencies.

Throughout the year, Koch will release new Field Notes content from crop science and industry experts in the form of videos, articles and podcasts to be released on

“We wanted to offer growers and retailers a series of in-depth tools that could help explain the complexities of agronomic processes,” says Steve Coulter, senior vice president at Koch. “In the situation we’re currently facing with COVID-19, most people aren’t able to have their usual face-to-face meetings. We believe Field Notes will be extremely valuable in assisting producers in determining what’s best for their operations.”

The initial content posted on the site will help growers and retailers better understand nitrogen. One of the most essential nutrients involved in plant growth, it’s vital to know how nitrogen is lost and how to best protect it. Experts will cover the following topics:

  • Nitrogen cycle
  • 4R Nutrient Stewardship
  • Three forms of nitrogen loss
  • Importance of protecting your nitrogen investment
  • Spring weather’s impact on nitrogen
  • Managing nitrogen after cover crops 

“Nitrogen touches every metabolic process in a plant, so it’s vital that we know how it works and how to protect it,” says Tim Laatsch, technical agronomy manager for Koch. “These materials should go a long way toward making the science of agronomy more understandable so that nitrogen management decisions are easier to make.” 

For more information, go to and see the content already posted to help growers implement the best practices to sustainably manage nitrogen.