Envita N-Fixing Bacteria Now Available in Foliar Application

Published online: May 15, 2020 Articles, Fertilizer, New Products
Viewed 3131 time(s)

Now in its second year of commercial production and following a successful 2019 grower field-scale trial program, growers throughout the U.S. can now apply Envita as a foliar application. Envita is the only nitrogen-fixing bacteria that works from within the plant cell to fix nitrogen all season long, when and where the plant needs it most. 

Envita’s success on farms, along with its product expansion will improve access to farmers throughout the U.S. “Envita is a revolution in nitrogen fixation,” says Ray Chyc, CEO of Azotic North America, which manufactures Envita. “Not only can corn and other crops now fix nitrogen all season long, growers now have more options for application methods and timing to suit the conditions on their farms.”

With a spray window of V1-V6, Envita is ideally sprayed between V2-V3 stages. Registered in 27 states, Envita for foliar use retails at a price of $9.75 per acre. Limited quantities are available for the 2020 growing season and farmers throughout the USA can buy online with direct-to-farm delivery options available.

A naturally occurring, food-grade microbe, Envita provides crops with the ability to fix their own nitrogen from the air and has proven success with farmers throughout the Corn Belt. Growers can choose to use Envita with their regular fertility program for a yield boost or deliver the same yields using less nitrogen. Envita is the only nitrogen-fixing bacteria that works from within plant cells to fix nitrogen from root to leaf all season long. 

Contact Azotic North America at www.azotic-na.com or (289) 440-2654.

The 2018 Envita grower program included over 50 trials throughout the U.S. Over 80 percent of trials saw a yield increase, further validating previous years of research. For the trials, nitrogen was applied at 100 percent typical use rate.