Due to the current pandemic, many national and regional conferences have had to reschedule, cancel, or move online. In an effort to continue their educational efforts, National Agriculture in the Classroom is hosting its Virtual Summit on Wednesday, June 24, and Thursday, June 25. Their goals it to make up for the national conference in Salt Lake City, Utah that was canceled because of COVID-19 related issues. In lieu of not having an in-person conference, a selection of elementary, middle school, high school, and volunteer workshops will be offered virtually those dates free-of-charge.
Workshop sessions presented by Agriculture in the Classroom state contacts, pre-kindergarten through 12th grade teachers and National Center for Agricultural Literacy lesson developers will be featured with elementary level sessions set for June 24 and secondary level sessions set for June 25. However, all educators interested in Pre-K through 12th grade agricultural literacy are welcome to participate in any or all of the sessions. The workshops will include subjects such as reading, writing, math, science, social studies, STEM and other subject areas. Participants will even be able to bring the farm to the classroom through virtual farm trips.
A detailed agenda can be downloaded with workshop descriptions and presenter bios here. To register, check out their website. Please be aware that you must register to receive the links for the workshop as the links will not be uploaded on their website. The virtual conference will be conducted on the Zoom platform.
Anyone with questions can email info@naitco.org. Thanks to their sponsors, USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA/NIFA), American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture, Corteva Agriscience, Dairy West, Ford Motor Co., Nutrien, Ltd., Protect the Harvest, and Virtual Farm Trips, they are able to offer the NAITC Virtual Summit free of charge.