Eastern Idaho Ag Expo Transitions to Virtual

Published online: Nov 13, 2020 Articles, Event Calendar
Viewed 2148 time(s)

It was officially announced today that the Eastern Idaho Ag Expo, originally scheduled to be held in Pocatello, Idaho, at Idaho State University's Holt Arena on Jan. 19-21, will now be a virtual event. 

The Expo is typically held in conjunction with the Idaho Potato Conference, which has also been rescheduled as an online event. 

The 2021 Eastern Idaho Ag Expo vendors and Potato Conference Trade Show vendors will be combined into one online trade show joining the Idaho Potato Conference educational programs for a total online experience for the conference and trade show for 2021.

The PDF attached details vendor opportunities to get your company involved, helping to support these events.  Many of the sponsorship options are limited in quantity, so take a look and reserve your spot today.

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