Fire in the Hole

Published online: Nov 04, 2020 Articles Michael Newland
Viewed 1315 time(s)
This article appears in the November 2020 issue of Potato Grower.

For organic farmers, as well as for traditional farmers, clean and sustainable practices are an important component of their operation. When it comes to weed and pest management, producers have historically been forced to choose between conventional herbicide—which does not meet organic criteria—or time- and labor-intensive manual labor and cultivation. However, there is a more convenient, sustainable alternative: propane-powered flame weeding technology.

Clean, American-made propane is an excellent energy source for many reasons, and this is especially true for organic farmers. Propane flame weeding offers an excellent alternative for organic growers who can’t use traditional herbicides—or for any producer who wants to reduce herbicide use.

Does It Work? How Well?

Propane-powered flame weeding uses heat to kill weeds by rupturing the internal cells of plants. According to Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) field studies, flame weeding is up to 90 percent effective against weeds by using intense heat to rupture plant cells, causing the weeds to wither and die. Approved for certified organic farming operations, propane flame weeding also avoids the disruption of essential soil nutrients, which commonly occurs with cultivation and tillage weed control methods.

The flame weeding system is available as a handheld torch, or as torches and burners connected to a tool bar with the propane tank mounted onto the back of a tractor. Either way, the process is quick and easy, leading to improved efficiency for farmers.

Flame weeding can also be used in a variety of conditions or when most convenient for producers, before seedlings have started to come up or after harvest to prepare for the next spring. Farmers know that timeliness is critical for a successful operation. Fortunately, propane systems can help them stay on track, even when field conditions aren’t ideal or during seasons of wet or erratic weather.

Exceptional Performance

Discovering the flame weeding system has been a game-changer for South Carolina tobacco farmer Lee Newman.

“I have been amazed with the system’s capabilities,” Newman says. “When the machine is set up properly at the right angle, it will kill 100 percent of weeds.”

In addition, propane flame weeding reduces his labor time and costs by approximately 40 percent.

“In my experience, it was probably three or four times as expensive to control weeds manually when compared to running this machine,” says Newman. In addition to the reduction of labor costs and time, the system’s environmental sustainability is another important factor to Newman as a certified organic farmer.

Benefits for Farmers & Environment

Clean, non-toxic propane helps meet necessary standards for organic producers, but its benefits are clear for all producers and the environment far beyond these regulations. Propane won’t contaminate crops, soil or groundwater, so farmers can use propane equipment safely throughout their entire operation. As an approved clean fuel under the Clean Air Act of 1990, propane also produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions than fuels like diesel and gasoline.

This technology is only getting better, cleaner and more efficient. While propane flame weeding has been around for years, new, innovative models make the use of heat treatments over chemicals for weed removal more effective than ever. Research supported by the Propane Education & Research Council has shown that flame weeding provides around 90 percent effectiveness in weed control for a variety of crops.

Farmers seeking safe, efficient, clean weed and pest control methods should consider the many benefits of propane heat technologies. To learn more about propane-powered agricultural equipment, visit


Author Michael Newland is director of agriculture business development for the Propane Education & Research Council. He can be reached at