Aspects for Pacific Northwest Growers to Consider in 2021

Published online: Dec 15, 2020 Articles, Fungicide, Insecticide
Viewed 1187 time(s)
Source: Syngenta

Here are some tips from local agronomists as potato growers in Idaho and Washington begin to plan for 2021:

See the Difference with a Seed Treatment

  • Using a quality seed treatment helps prevent fungi spreading in early stages of potato plant growth. By providing potato seed with protection from the moment they are in the ground, you can start strong on your journey to maximize potential yield and quality. Growers should begin with a robust neonicotinoid seed treatment like CruiserMaxx Vibrance Potato or CruiserMaxx Potato Extreme to protect against damage from early-season insects, and soilborne and seedborne diseases including Phythium, Fusarium and Rhizoctonia.
  • For wheat, crops are at the highest risk for infection during the first few weeks after seedling emergence and although symptoms may not be noticeable until later in the growing season, you can get ahead of early season diseases like Pythium root rot, Fusarium root rot and Rhizoctonia solani. We recommend Syngenta seedcare custom blends that are tailored to deliver superior disease protection over young seedling and root disease.

Tackle Potato Insects with Integrated Pest Management

  • Pursuing an integrated pest-management approach from seed to harvest can significantly impact the control of sucking and chewing pests in potatoes. In addition to a neonicotinoid seed treatment application like CruiserMaxx Vibrance Potato, growers should use an insecticide after planting like Minecto Pro to tackle Colorado potato beetles, mites and psyllids through two powerful active ingredients for up to 3 weeks. If a follow-up application is needed later in the season, Besiege insecticide is a strong late-season option to control lepidopteran, sucking and chewing pests like European corn borer, Colorado potato beetle and the potato leafhopper.

Create a 2021 Disease Management Plan

  • A well-rounded potato disease management plan is the first step toward a successful season. After applying a proper seed treatment, it is important to treat for pathogens that may have overwintered in the soil by applying an in-furrow fungicide. This early season application can prevent stunted growth in seedlings and weakened roots and therefore protect against yield loss and disease problems in future years. Consider using a product like Elatus fungicide with 2 powerful active ingredients to help manage against diseases like Rhizoctonia, black dot and silver scurf.
  • Similar to potatoes, many diseases can overwinter for years on wheat crop residue, so inoculum may be present event after you rotate crops. Since there are no completely disease-resistant wheat varieties, applying a fungicide when necessary is key for optimal disease control and plant health benefits. Choose a fungicide with preventive and curative activity against your disease spectrum:
    • For protection against diseases such as stripe rust, powdery mildew or Septoria leaf blight, we recommend Trivapro fungicide.
    • If head scab is in your area, an application of Miravis Ace fungicide is recommended to help improve grain quality and increase profit potential.

More Detailed Tips for 2021