New Website Resource for Idaho’s Farmers, Ranchers

Published online: Mar 02, 2021 Articles
Viewed 1238 time(s)
Source: Idaho State Department of Agriculture

The Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) announced today a new website resource to help Idaho producers manage, start, or transition farms and ranches:  

The website is part of the Idaho Farm and Ranch Center, a new program of the ISDA. The website serves as a onestop-shop for farmer and rancher resources created in Idaho and across the nation. The purpose of the Idaho Farm and Ranch Center is to help ensure farmers and ranchers have the skills, financial tools, transition plan and community they need to be successful.

“We received clear feedback from stakeholders about creating a state-wide, central location for agricultural management and transition tools,” says program manager Anna Pratt Lickley. “This program is highly collaborative, and we look forward to developing more ways to assist Idaho’s farmers and ranchers.”

The website features financial management trainings, guidebooks and videos on succession planning, tools and tips for managing family businesses, and a calendar of events. The website also contains additional resources focused on beginning farmers, disabled farmers and veteran farmers.

“The preservation of family farms has been a longstanding concern in Idaho. That’s why we started the Farm and Ranch Center,” says ISDA director Celia Gould. “However, there is no single solution to a challenge this complex. We are excited for this new online resource, but we also recognize that it’s just a first step.”

The Idaho Farm and Ranch Center was launched in 2020 in response to longstanding requests from agricultural stakeholders across Idaho.

“Website content will be updated continually, and we invite resource providers to contact us with tools they wish to have listed on the website,” says Lickley. “As the program continues to adapt, I encourage everyone to reach out to us with ideas and needs.”

Program Manager Anna Pratt Lickley can be reached at