UPL Ltd. is a global provider of sustainable agriculture products and solutions. UPL's robust portfolio consists of innovative biologicals and traditional crop protection solutions that reach more than 90 percent of the world’s food basket. An expanded portfolio of solutions for potatoes is designed to maximize growers' ROI:

Rimon insecticide (IRAC 15) is a broad-spectrum larvicide and ovicide that provides excellent control of key pests in potatoes, including Colorado potato beetle and loopers. As an insect growth regulator, Rimon goes after eggs, larvae and nymphs while remaining easy on beneficials.
Manzate Pro-Stick

Manzate Pro-Stick fungicide (FRAC M3) is the preferred option for superior control of early and late blight. Its multi-site action reduces the risk of disease resistance, a benefit difficult to find in other fungicide options. Manzate Pro-Stick has effectively been used for decades without a reported incidence of resistance. Its advanced formulation is built to provide better coverage and adherence to the leaf surface.
Tripzin ZC

Tripzin ZC herbicide (HRAC 3,5) combines two of the most effective residual active ingredients in an innovative formulation. It is designed for pre-emergent and at-planting applications to provide consistent, long residual control of a wide weed spectrum.
Contact UPL Ltd at (610) 491-2800 or www.upl-ltd.com/us.