University of Maine Cooperative Extension will offer three research updates for the agricultural industry 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 10.
Scheduled are Andrei Alyokhin, University of Maine professor of applied entomology, about the persistence of the Colorado potato beetle; Aaron Buzza, UMaine School of Biology and Ecology assistant scientist, on the effect of late-season use of stylet oil; and Ek Han Tan, UMaine assistant professor of plant genetics, about efforts to increase development of favorable traits in potato varieties. The three presentations are based on research funded by the Maine Potato Board.
The webinar is free; registration is required to receive the link. Register on the program webpage. Participants can earn one pesticide recertification credit and one CCA credit. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Steve Johnson at (207) 554-4373 or