America’s Favorite Vegetable

Published online: May 05, 2021 Articles Kim Breshears, Marketing Programs Director, U.S. Potato Board
Viewed 2122 time(s)
This column appears in the May 2021 issue of Potato Grower.

Americans’ love for potatoes has deepened in the last year, according to the 2021 Consumer Attitudes and Usage study.

Potatoes USA annually conducts Consumer Attitudes and Usage study to track U.S. consumers’ mindset toward food and dietary choices, and specifically attitudes toward potatoes. Understanding consumer attitudes and motives is important for the U.S. potato industry to help it meet market needs and stimulate potato consumption. 

The 2021 study indicates the consumers surveyed primarily choose foods based on their flavor, freshness and value. Consumers appreciate potatoes’ versatility, how filling they are, and the fact that they may be eaten in many ways.  

For the fifth year in a row, potatoes ranked as America’s favorite vegetable. Broccoli was the second-most popular vegetable, followed by tomatoes, corn, salad mix and mushrooms.

Mashed potatoes were the preparation style eaten most recently, followed by baked potatoes, fries, hash browns and roasted potatoes. Seventy-four percent of respondents stated they ate potatoes weekly, surpassed only by bread. 

Even though potatoes are eaten often, the study also asked the respondents why they do not eat potatoes more frequently. The belief that they already eat enough potatoes was cited as the primary reason, followed by beliefs that potatoes are high in carbohydrates, a preference for other vegetables, and a belief that potatoes are fattening. However, when asked what would encourage them to buy potatoes more often, consumers cited smaller bag sizes to minimize waste, more meal ideas and better nutrition information.

The Jan. 21 study tracks consumers’ beliefs on over 30 characteristics about potatoes. It showed the consumers’ opinions about potatoes increased from the prior year on the 17 following attributes:

  • Allows you to feel good about what you’re eating;
  • Fresh;
  • Convenient and easy to use;
  • An energy-packed vegetable;
  • Good for athletic performance;
  • Helps fuel me for my everyday activities;
  • Provides sustained energy;
  • Something I usually have on hand;
  • A good source of potassium;
  • Healthy for you;
  • Gluten-free;
  • Contains protein;
  • Used and approved by athletes;
  • Fills you up;
  • Satisfying;
  • A good value; and
  • Good for recovery. 

A few more noteworthy changes in eating pattern data emerged from the prior year’s study. For example, 44 percent of Americans surveyed claim they follow a dietary guideline. Leading diet plans on the list include carb-restrictive, low-sugar, and low-sodium. However, carb-restrictive diets saw a four-point drop since last reported in 2020. Also of note, 49 percent report eating the traditional three square meals per day, slightly increasing from the previous year. Cooking styles have become more complex, adventurous and creative. Over three-fourths of respondents say they use recipes regularly when preparing meals.

Please contact Potatoes USA if you have any questions about the 2021 Consumer Attitudes and Usage study.