Spotting Pink Rot, Pythium Leak in Potatoes

Published online: Jan 13, 2022 Fungicide, New Products Syngenta
Viewed 2081 time(s)
Source: Syngenta

Just because potatoes have been harvested and sent to storage facilities doesn’t mean growers are able to rest… yet. During storage, potatoes are still susceptible to economically damaging diseases like pink rot and Pythium leak.

Pink rot is a soilborne pathogen that infects plants through the roots of potato crops worldwide. This usually occurs with higher soil moisture as the tubers approach maturity. One of the key challenges with pink rot is that it can go undetected in the crop until harvest.

Syngenta agronomy service representative Dan Maxfield at the Grow More Experience Site in Ephrata, Washington, shows growers how to spot the signs of pink rot in potatoes for a successful 2022 growing season.

Pythium leak occurs when the potato’s tubers are infected from contaminated soil and is primarily seen at harvest and early storage stages, often entering through wounds on the potato, including cuts and scrapes. Early signs of Pythium leak include moist, gray or brown lesions that form around wounds or near the stem end, as well as an unmistakable vinegar-like aroma.

These two diseases are vital to control when it comes to potato production. Syngenta recommends using Orondis Gold fungicide in-furrow at planting which will continue to defend against pink rot and Pythium link during storage to help protect an entire harvest and a grower’s bottom line.

Talk to your local agronomist or Syngenta representative to see how you can plan to combat these diseases for 2022 and maximize marketable yield potential.