New Product: WinField United UltraLock Adjuvant

Published online: Feb 08, 2022 Articles, Herbicide, New Products
Viewed 1161 time(s)

This season will bring a variety of challenges, but fighting weed resistance and supply chain issues are top-of-mind in weed control. When there are shortages and increased input prices, choosing what goes in the tank becomes more important than ever to protect your crop and your bottom line. 

New UltraLock adjuvant, an all-purpose drift and deposition aid exclusively from WinField United, takes on herbicide resistance, enhancing herbicide drift prevention and helping growers achieve better weed control.

“Our team at WinField United can help retailers and farmers navigate through kinks in the supply chain to find the right herbicide solution with the agronomic expertise to help get the most out of their inputs,” says Andy Braunshausen, vice president of crop protection marketing for WinField United.

UltraLock plays a key role in managing weed outbreaks. It combines an exclusive drift reduction agent (DRA) with InterLock, a drift reduction technology (DRT), to improve spray deposition. The result is 20% more leaf coverage than other DRAs, allowing more product to be intercepted by the plant for better weed control.

Compatible across herbicide programs, UltraLock helps enhance canopy depth by ensuring more active ingredient reaches the target for more effective applications, helping fight herbicide resistance. This includes reducing dicamba drift through its patent-pending formulation.

There are a lot of components growers need to include in their tank mixes, which can be challenging, especially with supply chain issues. Choosing the right adjuvant can help alleviate some herbicide supply constraints, but it can also mean the difference between 50% and 90% weed control.

“Using full rates of herbicides with quality adjuvants improves leaf coverage, and herbicide efficacy can make constrained supplies go further,” says Braunshausen. “Getting an application right the first time with residual herbicides and the right adjuvants is crucial to reduce crop/weed competition, decrease the weed species present, and narrow weed seed distribution to improve control and optimize yields.”

UltraLock is available to farmers now for the 2022 growing season. Contact your local WinField United retailer to purchase or visit to learn more about UltraLock.

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