Team Behind HarvestEye Continue To Showcase Crop Insights Innovation

Published online: May 26, 2022 New Products
Viewed 2041 time(s)

HarvestEye, a machine-learning driven crop insights tool, is heading to the World Potato Congress at the end of May, as it continues to showcase on the global agricultural stage the actionable insights it places in the hands of growers.

Developed by agri-tech R&D firm B-hive Innovations, HarvestEye comprises of a patented technology that provides timely insights on root crops as they are lifted—presenting growers with valuable information on the size and count over whole field that is absent from conventional sampling.

The 11th World Potato Congress, which is running from 29 May-2 June in Dublin, features more than 1,000 participants from across the globe, with ‘The Changing World of the Potato’ being the driving theme underpinning the discourse at this year’s event.

Vidyanath (Vee) Gururajan, managing director at HarvestEye, who will be speaking at WPC, said, “We are delighted to be showcasing HarvestEye once again on the global root crop stage. The event is an opportunity to engage with the potato growing community—to address their needs and more effectively map crop performance through vision sensing technology which effectively monitors crop variability and helps growers maximise their yield.

“At the World Potato Congress, we will be further increasing awareness of our innovative product to businesses across value and supply chains and look forward to discussing with the delegates the unprecedented insights that HarvestEye offers.”

Fitting to both existing harvesting or grading equipment, HarvestEye is a cost-efficient method to achieve targeted agronomic performance, whereby data is collected by the product and delivered to an online portal.

Following exhibiting at April’s global fresh produce exhibition Fruit Logistica, WPC continues to raise awareness for HarvestEye, as the technology expands into new and existing territories, including central Europe, the US and Asia-Pacific.

Vee added, “We are constantly in dialogue with a range of farmers to see how we can better meet their needs for a crop harvesting insights tool. Having recently visited India, the United States and Majorca to speak with growers and trial HarvestEye, our product is constantly evolving to improve the accuracy of the harvest performance data we can gain across a range of different varieties and soil conditions.

"In turn we are enhancing confidence across potato supply chains and maximising returns for all parties through reduced wastage and increased efficiency.”

HarvestEye will be exhibiting at stand 27 at WPC 2022 alongside other potato technology innovators. Interested parties can also hear further from Vee as part of WPC’s speaking programme on Innovation the potato supply chain, taking place on 1 June at 10 a.m.

For more information about HarvestEye, visit