American Agri-Women Name Congressman Doug Lamalfa The 2022 Champion Of Agriculture

Published online: Jun 10, 2022 Articles
Viewed 1350 time(s)

Washington, D.C. — American Agri-Women (AAW) has named California 1st District Congressman Doug LaMalfa their 2022 Champion of Agriculture. AAW presented the award to LaMalfa at a recognition ceremony held recently in the House Agriculture Committee Chambers in Washington, D.C.

The AAW Champion of Agriculture Award is presented to members of Congress and the U.S. Senate who have displayed exemplary courage in presenting and supporting legislation that promotes U.S. agriculture, rural lifestyles and the U.S. Constitution.

AAW President Heather Hampton-Knodle said, “Congressman LaMalfa earned the award for his impressive record of supporting property rights, agriculture, and wise land use at the state and national levels. His experience managing his family’s rice farm informs his leadership record on agriculture and rural issues. All of us in farming and ranching benefit from his congressional service.”

LaMalfa has worked to obtain rural development and broadband expansion funding. He has also worked to improve wildland management practices, forest regrowth and help wildfire survivors rebuild.

He has advocated for policies that provide relief from burdensome red tape, develop new markets for agricultural products and increase flexibility for our ranchers and foresters. He continues to fight to ensure our farmers and ranchers have the support, certainty, and clarity to feed our nation and the world.

Congressman LaMalfa is a strong supporter of private property rights and is the author of a Constitutional Amendment to protect Californians against eminent domain abuse. In addition, Doug LaMalfa has opposed increasing taxes and is a stalwart defender of California's Proposition 13.

Congressman LaMalfa successfully authored and passed California's Forest Fire Protection Act of 2004 to allow landowners to make their rural lands fire safe. In addition, his Electricity Reliability and Forest Protection Act was recently signed into law. This legislation removes red tape so utility providers can remove hazardous vegetation near power lines before it can cause a wildfire.

Congressman LaMalfa has supported legislation that increases domestic energy such as natural gas, hydropower, oil, and biomass by removing restrictions and expediting the permitting process.

AAW’s First Vice President Rose Tryon-VanCott and member Debbie Bacigalupi nominated LaMalfa for the award. In addition to ranching and produce production, Tryon-VanCott is an experienced municipal council member of Paradise, California which is rebuilding since devastating forest fires of 2018. Bacigalupi is a 5th generation cattle rancher, biotech consultant and businessswoman.

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