The date for the University of Idaho’s Field Day at Aberdeen, Idaho, has been changed and is now scheduled for June 28. The field day at the Kimberly R&E Center is still taking place Wednesday June 22.
Here are the details for both field days:
University of Idaho Snake River Weed Management Tour and Field Days:
Contacts: Pam Hutchinson ( and Albert Adjesiwor (
Aberdeen R&E Center: Tuesday June 28 **Note New Date**
Kimberly R&E Center: Wednesday June 22
At both locations:
Registration 8:30 to 9 a.m.
Tour 9 a.m. to noon
Followed by a sponsored lunch.
You do not need to Pre-register RSVP
Three Idaho pesticide recertification credits will be available for each of the weed field days.
Featured on the Aberdeen R&E Center Tour Tuesday June 28:
Herbicide tank mixtures for use in potatoes; Herbicide incorporation timing; Potato variety herbicide tolerance; Simulated Excess Rainfall Effects on Herbicides and Potato Crop Safety; Herbicide site of action demonstration.
Weed control in quinoa; Herbicide management in the PCN trap crop, Litchi tomato.
In addition - Updates from:
USDA/University of Idaho potato breeding – Rhett Spear, Rich Novy, Jonathan Whitworth
Potato disease management – Phil Wharton
Seed potatoes – Kasia Duellman
Cropping Systems – Xi Liang
Nitrogen in Barley – Jared Spackman
Wheat Varieties – Juliet Marshall