The World Potato Congress Inc. Announces Two New Directors

Published online: Jul 07, 2022 Articles
Viewed 836 time(s)

The World Potato Congress Inc. has announced that effective July 01, 2022, Mr. André Devaux and Mr. Jaap Delleman have joined its Board of Directors.

Prior to being appointed as a WPC Director, André Devaux was named as an International Advisor with WPC Inc. in 2018. He is currently a project lead on the International Potato Day.
Mr. Devaux holds a PhD in Agriculture Science, Université Catholique Louvain (UCL), Belgium, with more than 35 years of professional experience in the global South. Extensive and proven expertise in managing multidisciplinary teams to strengthen agriculture innovation in Latin America, Africa and Asia, with special emphasis on production and utilization of the potato for enhancing food security, in the context of agricultural innovation systems and inclusive value chain development. He has published more than 50 articles, books and reports. Experience mainly with the International Potato Center (CIP) but also working experience with FAO and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
With more than 30 years of experience in potato journalism at home and abroad, Jaap Delleman knows how to interpret new developments in the potato sector quickly and enthusiastically. This publisher of various trade books and editor-in-chief of the magazines Aardappelwereld and PotatoWorld also likes to get involved in the potato crop as an enthusiastic potato fan. He shares his knowledge and experience, gained from visiting growers and processors on all continents, with great verve with a rapidly growing international circle of readers. His professional passion and skill with the camera ensures that his written word is complemented by striking photographs and portraits. Besides publishing magazines and books, Jaap, after a recent study also qualified as a digital marketing professional, develops together with his experienced and driven Team Aardappelwereld a professional way of offline and online communication. Through this cross-media strategy, players in the global potato industry are provided with both a platform and a source of information. In a sector that never stands still, Jaap continuously develops himself and his business strategy in order to be of service to all links in the potato chain.
For information on the World Potato Congress Inc.'s Sustaining Partner program and how to become a Sustaining Partner, please visit our website at: