Allahabad University Teachers Get Patent For Potato Energy Bar For Kids, Athletes

Published online: Aug 12, 2022 Articles Times of India
Viewed 817 time(s)

Prayagraj, India - Efforts by a team of scientists from the Centre of Food Technology of Allahabad University got a real boost of energy when an energy bar developed by them received the patent issued by the government of India.

Named ‘potato flakes energy bars,’ the tasty treat’s composition is high caloric ready to eat (RTE) food product targeted to fulfil quick energy requirement of sportspersons, athletes, growing children, chronic energy deficient (CED) along with high mineral content and is also capable to combat the malnutrition among children.

“Apart from several uses, when the requirement of instant energy is the need of hour, the bar can come in handy to provide ready to eat food as a substitute to meal by the armed forces, especially those operating in adverse conditions,” said Prof Neelam Yadav in whose name the patent was granted.

Others credited for the research include Pinki Saini and Devinder Kaur of the Centre of Food Technology, Vijai Kishore Gupta and Bandana of the Centre Potato Research Institute Campus, Modipuram, Meerut, Rajendra Kumar of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, and Pragya Mishra of BHU.

Talking of the components of the ‘bar,’ Prof Neelam Yadav explained that the major component of the bar is potato flakes prepared from Kufri Frysona variety of the potato, widely grown in our country.