University Of Idaho Weekly Spore Trap Information

Published online: Aug 12, 2022 Articles
Viewed 983 time(s)

Below is the spore trap information for week 6 as gathered and compiled by the University of Idaho researchers.

There was no detection of P. infestans (late blight) at any of the spore sites. Overall weather is not conducive for late blight at the stations we monitor except possibly at Rexburg and Boise Fairgrounds weather stations.

Altenaria solani (early blight) was detected 1 of 7 days at the Parma D1 site (first instance of detection this year) and visual symptoms were also observed for the first time this week in Parma field trials.

In the insect bucket traps neither Lso nor its vector were detected at any site but PVY at the Adrian and Central Paul sites.

E. betae (powdery mildew) was detected 1 of 7 days at the Parma D1 site and 1 of 7 days at the Adrian site. Levels of the pathogen in plots at Parma remain low. Cerospora remains relatively low compared to previous years at Parma although there was an increase in levels compared to the previous week.
Stemphylium was detected 6 of 7 days at the Parma D1 site, 1 of 2 days at the Malheur site (trap malfunctioned), and 6 of 7 days at the Adrian site.
White mold (Sclerotinia sclerotium) was observed for the first time in field trial plots at Parma although at low levels (in about 2.5 percent of plots).
Please click the link to review week 6 Weather Stations
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