National Potato Council Welcomes New Program Coordinator

Madeleine Poulin heads to Capitol Hill to support U.S. potato growers

Published online: Sep 29, 2022 Articles
Viewed 1066 time(s)

Washington - The National Potato Council (NPC) has welcomed new Program Coordinator Madeleine Poulin to assist the council as it promotes the interests of U.S. potato growers, their families, and the rural communities they support.

“Madeleine will be a tremendous addition to the team,” said Kam Quarles, NPC CEO. “As a recent college graduate with a passion for the agriculture industry, she brings a fresh perspective and vision to the organization as we continue to stand up for America’s potato growers on Capitol Hill.”

A 2022 graduate of Elon University in Elon, North Carolina, Poulin earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in environmental and sustainability studies and policy studies, with a concentration in sustainable food production. In 2021-22, she interned at the university’s student-run Loy Farm and Garden, where she gained hands-on experience in farming and business management. Through her coursework, Poulin also visited farms in North Carolina and spoke with farmers about their experiences, needs, and challenges.

In her role as Program Coordinator, Poulin will assist in the execution and implementation of programs to inform and engage membership and support its foundation through a variety of communications tools, meetings, and programs. She will assist in the yearly cycle of activities supporting the association’s annual Potato Expo, NPC Washington Summit, and Summer Meeting, as well as a variety of membership programs, industry publications, and other policy and membership development activities.

NPC is the voice of U.S. potato growers and industry members in our nation’s capital. NPC protects potato growers’ interests in Washington, D.C. by addressing issues that affect the potato industry, from policy issues debated in Congress to regulatory issues proposed by federal agencies.