Free Self-Assessment Tool

Published online: Oct 19, 2022 Articles
Viewed 844 time(s)

The Potato Sustainability Alliance has a free self-assessment tool for growers to help measure, benchmark, and communicate their sustainability practices. Some growers have already been invited to take the annual survey as part of PSA’s Processor and Fresh Marketer Members’ aggregate groups, but any grower can participate if they are interested.
The survey currently has 120 questions that cover environmental, social, and economic sustainability topics. Growers complete the survey electronically through PSA’s online portal, where you can also view the responses in comparison to growers in your region, all growers who participate, and past survey responses. The survey is available for growers to take from Oct. 3 through Dec. 2. 
Growers who are interested in participating in the 2022 Survey who are not already invited through an aggregate group can fill out this interest form to receive an invite: