Idaho Irrigation Equipment Association Winter Show & Conference

Published online: Nov 03, 2022 Irrigation
Viewed 1038 time(s)

(ED--We printed the wrong dates and location for the IIEA Winter Show & Conference in Potato Grower Magazine. Here is the correct information. We apologize for our oversight.)

The Idaho Irrigation Equipment Association will present the annual Idaho Irrigation Equipment Show and Conference Jan. 4-5, 2023, at the Nampa Civic Center in Nampa, ID.

This is a free event for participants and no registration is required. The show rotates between three Idaho locations:  Burley, Idaho Falls and Nampa. IIEA works with its University of Idaho liaison, Professor Howard Neibling, to provide classes for the agricultural irrigation track.  The association also offers informative classes for landscape irrigation professionals.

The agricultural classes provide Certified Crop Advisor credits and IIEA will offer recertification credits for Private and Professional Pesticide Applicator’s License holders. Manufacturers, distributors, and dealers of irrigation products will be displaying their latest products and services. This is an excellent opportunity to ask questions and stay connected with irrigation professionals. 

For more information, visit